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Excel to PDF
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Excel to PDF

Convert Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to PDFs

How to convert Excel spreadsheets to PDF?

  1. Import your Microsoft Excel files

    Drop the files that you want to turn into PDFs in the drop area. You can also use the file explorer.
    Once the Excel spreadsheets are imported, you can now launch the conversion process.

  2. Launch the conversion process

    Once you are ready to go, you can start generating the PDFs from your Excel spreadsheets, which will only take a few seconds, by clicking the "download" button.

Safe Excel to PDF conversion

Security of your data guaranteed

By using Visual PDF tools, you ensure that your data is transmitted encrypted, and that it does not undergo any analysis whatsoever.
Online Microsoft Excel to PDF

100% online tool

Convert your Excel spreadsheets using an online tool accessible from all your devices, without installation.
Free Excel to PDF online tool

Free, no account required

No time wasted: our tools allow you to process your documents quickly, without an account.
Excel to PDF easy

Excel to PDF conversion made easy

Import your Excel spreadsheets, start the PDF transformation, and that's it, it's that simple!
High PDF tools availability

Guaranteed high availability

Microsoft Office file conversions are sometimes useful for your work: we make sure that our service remains accessible at all times to be there for you.
Convert Excel to PDF from any device

Compatible with computers, phones, Windows, Android, iOS...

Our Excel to PDF converter tool can be used from any type of device, wherever you are.

What are the advantages of converting an Excel spreadsheet to PDF?

Microsoft Excel is probably the most well-known and widely used spreadsheet software in the world. It offers many features and allows you to create very complex spreadsheets. However, this format does not suit all uses, and it is sometimes useful to convert it to PDF.

The first case is for sharing: it is not recommended to share an Excel spreadsheet as is, because it could be modified by anyone. The data it contains could thus be modified, potentially in a harmful way. Once saved in PDF, your spreadsheet will be difficult to modify and falsify, so you can share it with complete peace of mind.

A second case that comes to mind when it comes to converting an Excel spreadsheet to PDF is versioning. If you need to modify the same spreadsheet several times over time, it may be useful to save its state at a given time (for example, once a month). By using the Visual PDF tool, you will be able to preserve the state of the spreadsheet, to be able to modify it later while being able to review the previous data.