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Add watermark
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Add watermark

Add one or multiple watermarks to your PDF

How to add a watermark to a PDF?

  1. Import your PDF document

    Drop the file on which you want to add a watermark in the drop area. You can also use the file explorer.
    Once the PDF is imported, you have now access to the tool.
    You can modify the file in the left side panel.

  2. Create a watermark

    On the right side panel, choose wether if you want to create a watermark from text or from an image.
    You can create several watermarks and use them as many times as you need.
    For text watermarks, you can choose their color and the font to match your needs.

  3. Add your watermark on the PDF pages

    Once you have created a watermark, you can select a quick position (top right, top left corner, bottom right, bottom left or center of the page), a possible rotation of the watermark as well as its opacity. Select a range of pages on which to apply the watermark, then validate by clicking on the "Apply" button.
    You can return to the watermark creation and selection view using the "back to watermarks" button.
    You can apply watermarks as many times as needed, possibly on different page ranges.

  4. Download the PDF document

    Once everything is fine, you can download your brand new file by clicking on the "download" button.

Fast PDF watermark tool

Add a watermark in just a few clicks

Our watermarking PDF tool allows you, in just a few seconds, to apply a text or image watermark to your PDF document. It allows you to save a significant amount of time on a daily basis!
Watermark privacy

Secure PDF watermark

Since watermarks are usually applied to confidential or sensitive PDFs, we guarantee that neither your PDFs nor your watermarks are transferred or analyzed in any way. Work with confidence!
Adjustable watermark

Adjustable watermark size, position, orientation font, and opacity

For you to get a flawless result, our tool allows you to adjust the PDF watermark in many aspects. Once applied, you can further adjust the watermark on each page, independently.
Free online watermark PDF

Free PDF watermark tool

This Visual PDF online tool allows you to apply any text and image watermark on your documents for free. Nice, right?
Easy watermark PDF

Practical for all situations

Because we want our tool to adapt to all your needs, you can even apply multiple watermarks, choose only a certain page range, etc. All within the reach of the most novice!
Safe PDF watermark

Add your watermarks to your PDF documents anywhere, safely

Don't worry about your sensitive data being harvested by your software. With Visual PDF, work anywhere, securely, without software updates, on all your devices and platforms.

Why adding a watermark to a PDF can be important

The PDF format is now used everywhere: invoices, forms, payslips, professional documents... These different files are generally shared, within a company or on the Internet.

Sometimes a document may contain sensitive information about a company or person. In this case, it is generally a good idea to remind employees with access to this PDF that it should not be shared outside the company, nor be stored on an unprotected storage space. Adding a watermark can be a solution: by adding, for example, a "confidential" watermark on the pages of the documents, it will no longer be possible for them not to remember it! With adequate opacity, the watermark will not interfere with the reading of the document.

Sometimes it is interesting to "sign" a PDF before sharing it, by adding your company logo for example. This has several advantages. The first is that Internet users will know that the PDF comes from your company, allowing it to be known or to add a value of trust to the document. The second is to protect you from unauthorized appropriation of your documents: a person recovering your PDF document will not be able to appropriate it and re-share it by defining themselves as the document's author, since your logo is printed on it.