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PowerPoint to PDF
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PowerPoint to PDF

Convert Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to PDFs

How to convert PowerPoint presentations to PDF?

  1. Import your Microsoft PowerPoint files

    Drop the files that you want to turn into PDFs in the drop area. You can also use the file explorer.
    Once the PowerPoint presentations are imported, you can now launch the conversion process.

  2. Launch the conversion process

    Once you are ready to go, you can start generating the PDFs from your PowerPoint presentations, which will only take a few seconds, by clicking the "download" button.

Easy PPT to PDF conversion

The easiest PowerPoint to PDF conversion

Our tools are designed to be intuitive and easy to use, so that anyone can use them, even computer novices.
Safe PPT to PDF

Safety first, always

By using Visual PDF services, you ensure that your PDF and Microsoft Office documents are safe. HTTPS protocol, encryption, and no scanning of your data.
Best PowerPoint rendering in PDF

The best possible rendering

We use the best possible techniques to allow you to generate the most accurate PDF from your PowerPoint presentation.
Online PPT to PDF

High availability, no installation

Convert your PPT to PDF directly online, without having to install complex software to use. We make sure that our services are always available to improve your daily life.
Free PPT to PDF tool

Plus, it's free!

You already pay for your Microsoft Office license, so we give you our conversion tools for free. And it's the same for all our tools!
PowerPoint to PDF online tool

On all platforms, everywhere in the world

Don't have access to your computer? No problem, our online service is compatible with smartphones and tablets, regardless of the brand.

When can generating a PDF from a PowerPoint presentation be useful?

Microsoft PowerPoint is an extremely popular presentation creation software, known for its wide capabilities in terms of customization, animations, diagrams and charts, etc. While this format is ideal for presentations in a professional or academic setting for example, converting a presentation to PDF is sometimes more suitable.

The first use case is for sharing a presentation online. Sharing a Microsoft PowerPoint file as is is not recommended because anyone who has access to it will be able to modify it or easily recover the data contained therein. If a malicious person gets their hands on your presentation file, they will be able to modify it and then transfer a file with data that could harm your company or you personally for example. Sharing a PDF, on the other hand, is much more reassuring, because this file will not be directly or easily editable. Converting your PowerPoint presentations to PDF is therefore highly recommended before sharing online.

The second, more classic case, is that of sharing a presentation on paper. It is often recommended, when you give an oral presentation, to provide your audience with your printed presentation. This way, your listeners will be able to review the training later, or during your presentation to recall certain information, or to ask questions. The PDF format therefore allows you to obtain a document ready for printing, ideal for this use case.